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Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • TDS level obtained after filtration and mineralization
    Tap water is purified with an RO membrane, which filters out all (!) ingredients. These can be both good and bad substances, as unfortunately, the RO membrane doesn't distinguish between them. Consequently, the TDS will naturally approach 0 (no dissolved particles in the water). However, this process has the drawback of removing natural minerals, making the water taste unpleasant to our palates. By adding our Alpine Blend (containing many beneficial dissolved minerals), we find the water balanced, pleasant-tasting, and it provides our bodies with essential minerals. Of course, this also increases the TDS level in the water. This means our machine is doing a good job, and you can confidently enjoy your water. With average tap water (TDS ~300) the remineralized water will be around TDS 250. What’s TDS: Total Dissolved Solids. The palatability of water with a total dissolved solids (TDS) level of less than about 600 mg/l is generally considered to be good; drinking-water becomes significantly and increasingly unpalatable at TDS levels greater than about 1000 mg/l. The presence of high levels of TDS may also be objectionable to consumers, owing to excessive scaling in water pipes, heaters, boilers and household appliances. No health-based guideline value for TDS has been proposed
  • Welche Installation benötigt die Maschine?
    Keine, die Maschine muss nur angeschlossen und anhand der Anweisungen auf dem Touchscreen eingerichtet werden. Es ist keine spezielle Installation oder Verbindung zu Wasserleitungen erforderlich. Die Maschine ist als geschlossenes System konzipiert. Sie füllen den Leitungswasserkrug zunächst manuell auf und setzen ihn wieder in die Maschine ein. Sie wählen Ihr Getränk per Knopfdruck und das Wasser zirkuliert aus dem Leitungswasserkrug, durch die Filter, vorbei an den Remineralisierungs- und Geschmacksbereichen und in den Reinwasserkrug. Das Wasser, das in der Umkehrosmosemembran zurückgewiesen wird, wird zurück in den Leitungswasserbehälter geleitet, sodass kein Abflussanschluss erforderlich ist.
  • Funktioniert TheWell mit dem Wasser in meinem Haus?
    Unsere Maschine wurde für die Verwendung mit kommunalem Leitungswasser entwickelt und optimiert. Wenn Ihr Haus also an kommunale Trinkwasserquellen angeschlossen ist, ist TheWell ideal dafür geeignet.Wenn Ihr Zuhause nicht an kommunale Wasserquellen angeschlossen ist (z. B. wenn Sie einen Brunnen haben), hängt die Eignung von TheWell für Ihr Zuhause von der Qualität des Quellwassers ab. Wenn die Qualität ausreichend ist, funktioniert TheWell normal; Wenn das Wasser jedoch von sehr schlechter Qualität ist, kann dies die Lebensdauer sowohl der Filter als auch der Maschine selbst beeinträchtigen. In diesem Fall würden wir seine Verwendung nicht empfehlen.Wenn Ihr Wasser nicht aus kommunalen Quellen stammt, empfehlen wir Ihnen, es zuerst zu testen und die Ergebnisse mit uns zu teilen. In diesem Fall würden wir Ihnen sagen, worauf Sie testen müssen, und Sie darüber beraten, ob wir glauben, dass TheWell eine geeignete Option für Sie wäre oder nicht.
  • Welche Art von Filterung verwendet TheWell / welche Arten von Partikeln entfernt TheWell?
    TheWell verwendet ein 3-stufiges Filtersystem: Erstens einen 1-Mikrometer-Sedimentfilter, der alle größeren Partikel und Schmutz herausfiltert, um die Umkehrosmosemembran vor Sedimentbildung zu schützen, die ihre Lebensdauer verkürzen und die Effizienz verringern würde . Dann ein Aktivkohlefilter, sehr effektiv bei der Entfernung von Chlor und anderen Partikeln, die schlechten Geschmack oder Geruch im Wasser verursachen. Endlich ein Umkehrosmosefilter aus einer halbdurchlässigen Membran, der der effizienteste Weg ist, schädliche Partikel aus dem Wasser zu entfernen. Das TheWell-System verwendet eine sehr hocheffiziente Umkehrosmosemembran, die nicht nur alle im Wasser vorhandenen Ionen, Moleküle oder größeren Partikel filtert, sondern dies mit hoher Geschwindigkeit tut. Dank seines 3-stufigen Filtersystems ist TheWell in der Lage, jede Art von Partikeln aus Leitungswasser zu entfernen, einschließlich Arsen, Barium, Cadmium, Chrom, Kupfer, Fluorid, Blei, Radium, Selen, Viren, Bakterien, Hormone, Pestizide, pharmazeutische Spuren und Mikroplastik.
  • What is the difference between Reverse Osmosis and Activated Carbon filtration?
    Activated carbon is very effective in removing certain chemicals from water (e.g.: chlorine). It is an inexpensive filtration system, but it does not remove other smaller particles that could be present in water. Reverse Osmosis is a more expensive and complex filtration system, but is a much more thorough one, able to remove all different types of particles from water (including Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Fluoride, Lead, Radium, Selenium, viruses, bacteria, hormones, pesticides, pharmaceutical traces, and microplastics).
  • Wie oft müssen die Filter gewechselt werden?
    Die Filter sollten durchschnittlich nur alle 2 Jahre gewechselt werden. Dies ist jedoch abhängig von: Ausschütten von Wasser aus dem Leitungswasserkrug, wenn TheWell dies anzeigt (d. h. nicht oben nachfüllen) Durchführen von Entkalkungsprogrammen, wenn auf dem Bildschirm von TheWell die Meldung „Niedriger Durchfluss“ angezeigt wird Wenn die Durchflussrate der Maschine deutlich abgenommen hat und/oder die Maschine den Fehler „niedrige Durchflussrate“ anzeigt, könnte dies ein Zeichen dafür sein, dass Ihre Filter ausgetauscht werden müssen, auch wenn die 2 Jahre noch nicht vergangen sind. Bitte führen Sie zunächst eine Entkalkung durch (weitere Informationen zur Entkalkung finden Sie auf unserer Support-Seite unter /); Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, ändern Sie bitte die Filter. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Lebensdauer Ihrer Filter weniger als 2 Jahre betragen kann, wenn die Qualität Ihres Leitungswassers sehr schlecht ist. Wenn Sie sich über die Qualität Ihres Leitungswassers und dessen Eignung für unser System nicht sicher sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter
  • How do I know if I need to replace my filters?
    The machine will let you know when the 2 years are about to be up, so you have time to purchase new ones. If at any point before this the flow of the machine has decreased significantly and it is not solved by running a descaling program (for more information on descaling, please visit our support page at, it means it’s time to replace the filters.
  • How often should I do a descaling program?
    TheWell will let you know that a descaling program is necessary by displaying a “low flow rate” message on the screen. The frequency of descaling programs depends on the quality of your tap water (e.g.: households with tap water with high levels of limescale will have to perform more frequent descaling programs than households with softer tap water). For more information on descaling, please visit our support page at
  • How do I clean the machine?
    The machine will run a daily automatic rinsing program, which ensures that all internal parts remain clean. As for the external parts of the machine, the water jars can be washed in the dishwasher at programs with temperatures of 80°C or lower (WARNING: do not use programs with temperatures above 80°C as this could affect the jars' functionalities), and the exterior of the machine can be cleaned with a damp cloth (including the spout). After some time of use, a descaling program will need to be run; TheWell will let you know when it’s time by displaying a “low flow rate” message on the screen. Please use citric acid as the descaling agent and follow the machine’s instructions. For more information on descaling, please visit our support page at
  • How often should I clean the water jars?
    We recommend that you clean your water jars daily: the clean water jar to ensure the quality of the clean water, the tap water jar to preserve the lifespan of the filters. They can be washed in the dishwasher at programs with temperatures of 80°C or lower (WARNING: do not use programs with temperatures above 80°C as this could affect the jars' functionalities)
  • Are the water jars dishwasher safe?
    Yes. They can be washed in the dishwasher at programs with temperatures of 80°C or lower (WARNING: do not use programs with temperatures above 80°C as this could affect the jars' functionalities)
  • I see limescale build-up on the bottom of the tap water jar, how can I clean it?
    Please remove the jar from the machine, use a soft descaling detergent with a sponge, then rinse it with tap-water. Repeat the procedure unit the lime-scale is completely gone. If there is a lot of build-up, you can first fill the jar with a mix of water and citric acid (2% concentration; e.g.: 20g of citric acid in 980ml of water) and leave it soaking for some time, then proceed with cleaning as described previously.
  • How much water is discarded through the filtering process?
    The machine has been designed as a closed system. This means that the water which gets rejected at the reverse osmosis membrane gets recirculated back to the tap water jar. However, the rejected water carries with it the particles that were filtered out back to the tap water jar as well. Therefore, at a certain point the machine will ask you to discard the water in the tap water jar and re-fill it with new tap water. This is done in order to preserve the lifespan of the filters. The system will ask you to discard approximately 0.5 litres for every 2.5 litres processed.
  • Why does TheWell ask me to empty the tap water jar before refilling it?
    TheWell works as a closed system. This means that the water which gets rejected by the reverse osmosis membrane gets recirculated back to the tap water jar. This not only avoids the need for a connection to a drain, but also reduces the amount of water discarded in the process. However, the water which gets redirected to the tap water jar carries with it all the particles that were filtered out by the reverse osmosis membrane. This means that the lower the water level in the tap water jar, the dirtier the water is (i.e.: contains a much higher concentration of filtered out particles). In order to preserve the filters and ensure they can reach their expected lifespan, TheWell will eventually ask you to discard the dirty water and refill the jar with new tap water.
  • Does TheWell make carbonated water?
    No. TheWell can make mineralized water (at room temperature or hot), infused water or tea, but does not make carbonated water.
  • Are the descaling cartridges (SDC) to be used for one descaling only?
    No, they are suitable for the entire life of the device. Please note that the descaling cartridges do not contain any descaling agents; we recommend using citric acid to descale the machine. For more information on descaling, please visit our support page at
  • Can I use the machine without minerals and flavors?
    TheWell can be used without flavors, but not without minerals.
  • Why does TheWell add back minerals to the filtered water?
    Reverse Osmosis is the most effective way to filter particles out of water: a reverse osmosis membrane has pores so small that only water molecules can go through. This means that the good particles in water (salts and minerals) get removed from it along with the bad ones. Since truly pure water does not taste good, and is unsafe to drink in large quantities, TheWell adds back a healthy mix of minerals for great taste.
  • How long do LANGWATER and LANGWATER+ packs last?
    On standard settings, one set of LANGWATER minerals (A + B) will produce approximately 250 liters of mineralized water, and one pack of LANGWATER+ flavors will produce approximately around 50 liters of infused water. The shelf life of LANGPAKs is approximately 1 year for LANGWATER+ and 2 years for LANGWATER. This lifespan is not reduced once the packs are used/opened, since they are designed to remain airtight when not in use.
  • Why are LANG minerals and flavors in liquid form?
    By using liquid concentrates instead of powders, we can instantly prepare your water or drink, since liquids mix instantly with water without the need to mix or wait for solids to dissolve. Additionally, we can dose the minerals and flavors precisely to ensure consistency of taste, without the need for single use capsules or containers. Finally, liquids retain flavor much better than powders do.
  • Are the minerals and flavors certified BIO?
    No. While our products are all made using all natural ingredients (we don't use additives, preservatives or added sugars), we cannot guarantee that the ingredients are certified BIO.
  • What is the mineral concentration in your mineralized water?
    On standard settings, LANG mineralized water contains 15.8mg of potassium and 0.4mg of magnesium per 100ml of mineralized water. However, these concentrations can be manually adjusted under the settings of the machine in the main menu (Menu > Customize > Mineral intensity). Please note that the mineral intensity can only be adjusted in % up and down and as a group, not individually for each component. Additionally, it is not possible for the water to be completely mineral-free. It would be unhealthy and negatively affect the taste.
  • Can I adjust the mineral concentration?
    TheWell allows the user to increase or decrease the minerals concentration level, to match each user's preferences. To adjust the mineral intensity, go to Menu > Customize > Mineral intensity and choose between 5 possible intensity levels. Please note that the mineral intensity can only be adjusted in % up and down and as a group, not individually for each component. Additionally, it is not possible for the water to be completely mineral-free. It would be un-healthy and negatively affect the taste. Please note that increasing the concentration level from the Normal setting implies fewer servings of LANGWATER.
  • Can I adjust the flavor of my flavored water / tea?
    TheWell allows the user to increase or decrease the concentration level of the flavors and teas, to match each user's preferences. To adjust the flavor intensity, go to Menu > Customize > Flavor intensity and choose between 5 possible intensity levels. Please note that increasing the concentration level from the Normal setting implies fewer servings of LANGWATER+.
  • Can I change flavors after every serving?
    Yes. Both the machine and the packs are designed to allow you to change flavour packs any time – even after every serving if that’s your choice. The packs will keep the contents airtight even after being used and the machine will keep track of the servings left in each pack, even if swapped.
  • Can the temperature of the hot water be adjusted?
    Yes. The hot water temperature can be set to any temperature between 70°C and 90°C through the menu (Menu > Customize > Hot water temperature). To adjust the temperature of your tea, please go to Menu > Customize > Flavor temperature. Please note that the temperature of cold water and cold flavors cannot be adjusted.
  • What are the dimensions of TheWell?
    TheWell is 35cm at its base (39cm counting the jars’ handles), 35cm deep and 36cm tall. It weighs 12kg.
  • What is the power consumption of my TheWell?
    TheWell consumes less than 4Wh per liter of room temperature mineralized water and 55Wh per liter of hot mineralized water. When on standby, it consumes 0.5Wh.
  • My machine does not turn on
    Please verify that the machine is properly attached to the power socket and that there is power to that socket. Try pressing the touch buttons on the front of the machine. If the machine still doesn't turn on, try moving the spout up and down and removing and inserting the tap water jar. If the machine still doesn’t turn on, please contact our customer service at
  • Shall I disconnect my TheWell from the power source if it is not being used?
    It is not necessary to disconnect the machine when not used for a few hours or a few days. However, it is advisable to disconnect it if it will not be used for extended periods.
  • Can I leave my TheWell unused for long periods?
    TheWell is designed to be used regularly. If left unused for long periods, some steps will need to be taken to ensure the cleanliness of the water produced. Please see below for our recommendations: Under 2 weeks: no special steps need to be taken (the machine will perform a hot cleaning once it is turned on). Between 2 weeks and 2 months: if you plan to leave your machine unused (or disconnected) for a period between 2 weeks and 2 months, please take the following steps: Remove and empty out both jars (tap and clean water). Wash them and keep them off the machine. Remove the filters and empty them, by placing them upside down in a sink. Keep them off the machine. Disconnect the machine from the power source. Once the machine needs to be put in use again, DO NOT RUN THE HOT CLEANING CYCLE AS A FIRST STEP; this could ruin the machine. Please follow the below procedure: Insert the jars and filters Connect the machine to the power source. DO NOT TURN THE MACHINE ON with the Power button. If you did and the machine prompts you to run a hot cleaning cycle, please turn the machine off immediately. Press the Menu button, select the Maintenance Menu and choose "Filter rinsing". Follow the instructions. Turn on the machine with the Power button and perform the Hot Cleaning procedure. Longer than 2 months: Follow the same instructions as above, but after the first filter rinsing, perform a sanitation procedure (filter rinsing with 125 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide). This step can be performed either before or after the Hot Cleaning step. If even after the sanitation procedure the water coming out of the machine has a foul smell or tastes off, the filters need to be replaced.
  • The flow in my machine is very low / my machine is displaying “Low Flow”
    If your machine’s flow has decreased significantly, it could mean that there is a limescale build up. Please carry out a descaling program (Menu > Maintenance > Descaling) using citric acid. For more information on descaling, please visit our support page at If the low flow persists, please contact our customer service at
  • Can I test the TheWell / can I try the water?
    We only sell directly to consumers online, so we unfortunately cannot provide any locations for a product test.
  • What should I do with the used filters and LANGPAKs?
    Used filters and LANGPAKs should be disposed of by customers, ideally through a recycling program. We will hopefully offer recycling programs ourselves in the future, but unfortunately not yet.
  • My machine says "Fill", even though the tap water jar is full.
    Inside the tap water jar, there is a sensor responsible for measuring the water level, and the floating "ball" might have gotten stuck. Please remove all the water from the tap water jar, reach into the jar with your hands and try to move the floating "ball" up and down a couple of times. After that, please perform a descaling program with citric acid, following the instructions on LANG's support page: If the problem still persists, please get in touch with the LANG support team at
  • My machine is showing an error message, how can I solve it?
    Your user manual contains an extensive list of possible error messages and how to solve them. If you cannot find your error message or cannot solve the problem, please contact us at
  • My TheWell is indicating “Low Minerals”, what can I do?
    The machine is letting you know that the mineral LANGPAKs will soon need to be replaced. Please make sure that you have spare ones, so you can replace them once the machine displays the “Empty Minerals” message. You can purchase new mineral cartridges through our website, at
  • My LANGPAK is wet / leaking, what can I do?
    Please clean the LANGPAK with a dry, clean towel and wait a few hours. If the cartridge stays dry, it is safe to use. If the cartridge gets wet again, there might be a leak and should not be used anymore; please contact us at if that is the case.
  • I have questions about/issues with my LANG products and/or order, who can I contact?
    For any questions or issues, please get in touch with the LANG support team at
  • Can I buy a TheWell where I live?
    Our products are available almost everywhere in EU (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark (except Greenland and Faroe Islands), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden). We will be expanding to other regions in the future, so please check back if your country/region is not listed above.
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept all major credit cards and Paypal. We do not have the option of paying in installments.
  • My clean water jar overflows
    Please note that the machines work with a flowmeter. This means that the machine dispenses the amount of water indicated on the settings, regardless of the amount of water already in the clean water jar, similarly to a Nespresso machine: if you choose a long coffee but place an espresso cup on the serving dock, the cup will overflow. Therefore, it is very important that the correct portion size is selected in the machine and that the container is completely empty when placed in the docking station. In order to adjust the level, please go to JAR/BOTTLE FILL LEVEL in the menu. From this menu item you can choose whether you want to use the LANG Clean Water Jar, the LANG Bottle, or your own custom bottle or jar. If you choose a custom bottle, you will be prompted to select the desired volume. This setting will affect processing when the spout is in the raised position. You can also adjust the fill level for a glass or cup, which will affect processing when the spout is in the lowered position.
  • A "High TDS" warning is showing
    This means that your tap water has a high content of particles that will be filtered. This is not a problem in itself, as the machine will filter them out, but you should expect a slower processing time than the normal 4min per litre and a shorter lifespan of the filters than the 2 years. Important counter measures would be to always empty the tap water jar when the machine prompts you to (it normally asks you to discard 0.5l out of 2.5l processed - please read "How much water is discarded through the filtering process") and doing more frequent descaling programs. Another option, which we know some customers with especially bad quality water sometimes do, is getting a water softener as a pre-step to TheWell. Please note you can disable the TDS warning permanently through the settings.
  • A "Low flow rate" warning is showing
    Please note that this is just a warning, so your machine is safe. A low flow rate cloud be caused by one of the following: 1. When first set up, or after a filter change, some air might be trapped inside - please wait a few days, until a few jars have been processed, as usually this resolves by itself. You can also conduct a filter rinsing program to accelerate the process. 2. The tap water jar temperature is too low - please try using room temperature water. 3. The tap water has a very high TDS level (e.g.: very high levels of limescale) - we cannot fix the flow in this case, as this means that the machine is filtering out a very large number of particles, therefore processing the water at a lower rate than normal. Some customers with especially bad quality water use a water softener on their tap water, in order to preserve their TheWell and accelerate its processing time. We suggest to monitor the performance of the machine during the next 2-3 days. If the problem persists, please measure how long it takes to process a full jar of clean water and contact us with the results.
  • The machine asks for a filter change but my filters are new
    Sometimes the date doesn't get saved correctly when the machine is initially set up or has been disconnected for a long time. This then makes the machine already ask for the filters to be changed, despite them being new; please note that you don't need to change the filters. To ensure this doesn't happen to you, please follow the below steps when setting up the new TheWell: 1) start the machine 2) select the language 3) set the correct date and save it 4) as soon as the machine shows "Insert filters 1+2+3 and confirm" turn off the machine by disconnecting the power cable 5) wait 30 seconds 6) insert the power cable without turning on the machine 7) press the "MENU" button 8) select setup -> set date 9) verify that the date is correct, if the date is not correct change it 10) turn off the machine by pressing "ON/OFF" 11) press the "ON/OFF" button and continue with the change filters procedure
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